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5 Alignment Issues Invisalign Can Fix

Not a fan of traditional braces? Visit your dentist in Chandler, AZ, and see firsthand why Invisalign may be the clear solution for your alignment issues. 

Invisalign has been a popular alternative to traditional braces since its inception in 1993. The clear aligners quickly became a favorite solution for teens and adults alike who wanted to save themselves the hassles and headaches associated with metal orthodonture. Braces are still the top choice for serious orthodontia repairs. But there are specific alignment issues Invisalign can fix just as well if not better. 

Gaps and Diastema 

Gaps in teeth are common, but they can also be a pain. Diastema is the term for a large space or gap between two teeth. It usually occurs between the front teeth and it’s often temporary. Over 60% of people have a diastema at some point, and over 25% still have it into adulthood. Naturally gapped teeth are a beauty symbol in certain cultures, but America hasn’t caught up with that view quite yet. Fortunately, Invisalign can be a great solution for those who want to close the gap without drawing more attention to their mouths in the process. 

Crowded Teeth 

Sometimes there’s just not enough space in the mouth for teeth to grow perfectly straight. When shifting occurs, teeth can become overcrowded, misaligned, and overlap. The tighter fit makes proper dental hygiene far more challenging. It also allows plaque and bacteria to collect easier and often results in more decay and cavities. Invisalign can’t correct severe misalignment. But most slight to moderate cases can easily be corrected with proper usage of clear aligners. 


If your upper teeth fit just a bit over your lower teeth as your molar grooves rest into each other, you likely have a normal and healthy bite. But age, habits, and even daily life events often change jaw placement over time. A crossbite occurs when the upper and lower teeth are out of sync. That may involve a single upper tooth that falls behind a bottom tooth, or it may involve several upper teeth that rest behind the lower row. A crossbite can lead to gum recession, tooth erosion, and other dental issues. Fortunately, Invisalign can help correct crossbite. 

Open Bite 

Unlike a crossbite that touches too much or incorrectly, an Open Bite is the term for when teeth don’t touch at all. There may be a slight space or a larger opening between the top and bottom row of teeth in this case. An open bite often affects speech, and it can also lead to chewing problems and painful jaw issues such as TMJ. Invisalign can easily help correct an overbite and the resulting issues accompanying the condition. 

Over and Underbite 

An overbite is the most common type of bite issue. This occurs when the top row of teeth falls too far over your bottom teeth. Most people have an overbite to some degree. However, a significant overbite can lead to dental problems such as enamel erosion, gum recession, and bruxism. An underbite is the opposite situation where the bottom teeth jut out and overlap the upper row. This can result in speech and eating problems, not to mention serious self-esteem issues. Fortunately, Invisalign can help correct both bite issues. Contact your dentist in Chandler, AZ when you’re ready to fix your alignment issues with Invisalign. 


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